Adult and Tertiary Teaching

In a corporate environment, someone with training in adult education will be able to educate fellow staff in a range of skills. These vary from induction and technical processes to personal development like leadership, administration, and business practices.

An Adult Educator understands learning techniques and can create and maintain a positive learning environment in the business – one that takes into account variation in people’s backgrounds and learning styles.

In identifying skills gaps, and delivering learning programmes to suit, Adult Educators are pros at staff development. As a result, the business will soon improve its services, as employees increase their skill set.

New Zealand Certificate in Adult and Tertiary Teaching (Level 4)

This is an introductory qualification intended for individuals who are engaged in adult and/or tertiary teaching or in vocational training contexts with no prior teaching qualifications.

Candidates may be delivering education or training in a workplace as part of their role, in a tertiary education organisation, or in the community as a volunteer.

Graduates of this qualification will have a basic understanding of contemporary and culturally appropriate pedagogy including the use of education technologies to enhance learning.

Everyone benefits from on-job training.

Upskilling your staff in Adult and Tertiary Teaching helps you:

  • provide better planned and more impactful training sessions
  • improve communication within and across teams
  • pass on knowledge effectively within the organisation.

Upskilling your staff in Adult and Tertiary Teaching helps them:

  • develop core teaching and learning facilitation skills
  • improve evaluation of assessment practices
  • respond to diverse learner needs
  • increase their job satisfaction
  • develop their career with national qualifications.

This programme helps your trainees to develop the strong communication skills essential to leading a great team. They will also gain confidence in:

  • designing learning to meet specified learning outcomes, using a range of pedagogical principles and cultural practices
  • using learner-centred teaching strategies that respect the mana and diverse backgrounds of adult learners
  • selecting and using facilitation and learning strategies, using resources and technologies to meet specific outcomes
  • using assessment, feedback and moderation processes
  • seeking, reflecting on, and responding to feedback from learners and other stakeholders in own context to improve learner outcomes.

EarnLearn is part of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology. We are your industry-endorsed training partner and are committed to helping you build a successful business through world-class customer service. We are the workplace training specialist for service sector employers in Adult Education, Financial Services, Regulatory Practice and Security. We help our customers succeed by growing their talent.

This essential skills programme is just one of many that will benefit your business and employees. Talk to your EarnLearn account manager for no obligation advice and programmes to fit your needs or email us on