Successful businesses have one thing in common and that’s great leaders. If your business has good managers that are trained to build effective teams and manage processes well, then your business will have the capacity to thrive and grow.
Your managers set the tone for your business. They determine how your teams perform and influence key decisions. Te Pūkenga can help you equip your managers with the knowledge, techniques and tools they need to drive growth and organisational success.
This programme is ideal for your supervisors or the people you want to move into team leader or supervisor roles. They’ll gain skills and knowledge vital for business success, including effective communication, reporting, performance management, health and safety practices, problem-solving, staff workplace training and more.
Top team leaders have real hands-on operational experience plus great leadership skills. People may be experts at their job, but it takes a completely different set of skills to lead a team successfully.
This popular programme is designed to give your talented employees with management potential, the skills they need to take on greater responsibility in your business. It’s also perfect for succession planning.
Upskilling your staff in Team Leadership helps you:
Upskilling your staff in Team Leadership helps them:
This programme helps your trainees to develop the strong communication skills essential to leading a great team.
They will also gain confidence in:
EarnLearn is part of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology. We are your industry-endorsed training partner and are committed to helping you build a successful business through world-class customer service. We are the workplace training specialist for service sector employers in Adult Education, Financial Services, Regulatory Practice and Security. We help our customers succeed by growing their talent.
This essential skills programme is just one of many that will benefit your business and employees. Talk to your EarnLearn account manager for no obligation advice and programmes to fit your needs or email us on
It is designed for your team leaders or supervisors who are ready to go to the next level and master professional management and leadership skills. Your people will gain the knowledge and know-how to succeed in today’s fast moving businesses, including: great team leadership, effective communications, performance management, change management, business planning, problem-solving, workplace principles, legal compliance and much more.
Top managers have real hands-on operational experience plus excellent leadership skills.
It takes a completely different set of skills to lead and manage a large team or business successfully. This programme is designed for you to take your team leaders and supervisors, or those moving into a leadership role, and equip them with the skills for high level responsibility in your business.
Your up-coming leaders will be given the knowledge and advanced skills to plan, communicate, organise, manage change, monitor performance and provide professional team leadership that makes a positive contribution to the business.
This leadership programme involves a mix of theory and practice. It is easily achieved by your talented employees, on-the-job, and at a pace that works for your business.
Upskilling your up-coming staff in management helps you:
Upskilling your up-coming staff in management helps them:
Your employees will develop vital leadership skills and knowledge for management:
EarnLearn is part of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology. We are your industry-endorsed training partner and are committed to helping you build a successful business through world-class customer service. We are the workplace training specialist for service sector employers in Adult Education, Financial Services, Regulatory Practice and Security. We help our customers succeed by growing their talent.
This essential skills programme is just one of many that will benefit your business and employees. Talk to your EarnLearn account manager for no obligation advice and programmes to fit your needs or email us on
EarnLearn is part of Te Pūkenga – New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology. Learn More
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