New Industry Trained PGD Apprenticeship programmes
Enrolments are now open for EarnLearn’s new Industry Trained Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying Apprenticeship programmes.
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Looking for a new career path?
EarnLearn offers apprenticeship training programmes for trades careers.
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Vocational Education and Training Review
The government is currently reviewing the structure of the vocational education and training sector.
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Looking for a new career path?

Earn while you are learning a trade apprenticeship, it’s the perfect tradie combo! 

EarnLearn offers apprenticeship training for trades careers such as Electrical, Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying (PGD), Scaffolding, Industrial Measurement and Control, and Crane Operation.

Becoming an apprentice in any of these trades is a great choice full of exciting opportunities. EarnLearn provides quality training, along with learning on the job with your employer, we also provide pastoral care and support on your journey to becoming fully qualified in a trade.

If you want to become an apprentice, you’ll need to talk with a plumbing, gasgfitting, drainlaying, electrical, scaffolding, or crane company about taking you on as an apprentice. We encourage you to reach out to a local trade business that you’re keen to work with as your first step or give us a call and we can talk through any questions you have.

Find out more about our trade apprenticeship programmes here or apply now.  

You might be eligible for fees free – check this out for more information. 

For other courses in Business Management, Financial Services, Regulatory Practice, Project Management, Adult and Tertiary Teaching and Security – click here.

Meet Caleb

Apprentice Plumber, Gasfitter and Drainlayer

Caleb knew he wanted to find a career that wasn’t stuck in an office. He signed up to the Schools Gateway programme with a plumbing company and he’s now 4 years in.

Caleb was offered an apprenticeship with Harbour City Plumbing. He’s now almost fully qualified, with his apprenticeship due to finish later this year.

“The people at EarnLearn have helped me all the way through, they really care and help to motivate me.”

Caleb loves being able to learn on the job, and earn a wage while he’s learning. He doesn’t need a student loan, and pays for his apprenticeship weekly, so it’s affordable.

Read more about a Plumbing, Gasfitting and Drainlaying Apprenticeship  here, or apply now

Introducing Brooke and Larraine

Apprentice Electricians – Now fully qualified.

Brooke and Larraine have just completed their apprenticeship training achieving the New Zealand Apprenticeship Electrical Engineering Theory and Practice (Trade) Level 4 while working together for JMP Engineering in West Auckland.

Larraine says “I realised I didn’t want to stay in retail for the rest of my life but I didn’t want to go to university because I didn’t have one subject I was passionate about. I decided to go with a trade because you get to make money while you learn and you come out with life skills and a certificate at the end of it”.

At JMP we get to learn something new every day. The type of work here is so wide, it means constant learning and it’s really opened my eyes to all the different aspects of electrical you can do,” Brooke says.

Read their full story here.

Read more about an Electrical Apprenticeship here or apply now

Apprentice Scaffolders

Ely lives on Auckland’s North Shore, where his cousins are all scaffolders too, he works with TZL Scaffolding – “it runs in the family”. He loves earning while learning on the job, – “you can’t beat that”.

Henry has a family and also lives on Auckland’s North Shore. He works with Leader Scaffolding, and was offered the opportunity to do an apprenticeship in Scaffolding level 4. Henry grabbed the chance to progress his career and to help support his growing family.

Check out Henry’s full story here.

Read more about a Scaffolding apprenticeship here or apply now

Employers who pass on their skills

EarnLearn offers high quality apprentice training and is set to support you and your learner through their apprenticeship.

We have over 5,500 learners doing apprenticeships with great employers like you.

We have an online learning hub, and excellent materials, so on-job records are easy for your apprentice to keep. Every learner is set up with an account manager who will be there all the way, and they will keep you up-to-date as often as suits you.

Meet Mick Curran, Director from Upright Access Systems, long established Scaffolding company in Auckland.

Mick calls his company “a training company”. Having been in the business for over 20 years, Mick loves to pass on his knowledge and provide guidance to his crew. 

Introducing Tom Williams, Director at TZL Scaffolding on the North Shore in Auckland. Tom started off as a scaffolder, and graduated at the top of his year with his apprenticeship. It’s all been so worth it, now he is a partner in the business, actively managing the company and training their apprentices.  

Talk to us today – 0800 EARN IT or contact us via email 

Find an employer

The first step of the process is to find an employer. If you’re already working in Plumbing, Electrical or Scaffolding industries, you can approach your employer.

If you are looking to begin your journey, you can contact any of these local businesses directly.

Image of person next to white board, how training works

How The Training Works

There are two main components to your training as an apprentice:
1. On-job training - On-job assessments are completed in the workplace and signed off by a workplace verifier.
2. Off-job training - theory is delivered by on-campus providers in various ways, either day or night classes for example.

During a normal working day an apprentice will learn the skills and knowledge only a qualified tradie can teach. The two forms of learning are designed to be done side-by-side, so learners complete their apprenticeships in around three to four years, sometimes faster.

Supporting You For Success

At enrolment, an EarnLearn account manager is allocated to each learner. They will support learners throughout their training.

Learners can select their preferred on-campus provider, where they will attend their off-job theory training.
Once enrolled, the learner receives a log-in to the online platform where they can access and start their on-job training. Learners will receive an information pack with everything they need to get started.

Start here:

Step 1 – You’ll need to find an employer who is willing to take you on through your chosen trade apprenticeship.

Step 2 – Contact EarnLearn to arrange enrolment. 

Step 3 – Start learning and continue to earn.

Apply now

For more information about any of our programmes or to enrol, fill in this contact form, or give us a call on 0800 327 648 (0800 EARN IT) or send us an email at