
Workplace Assessment

Assessors are central to workplace training

Assessors play a key role in supporting learners throughout the training and assessment process.

Te Pūkenga works with industries to develop assessment material based on a collection of evidence model. To gain credits for a unit standard, learners have to demonstrate that they are competent.

Assessment involves the collection and recording of evidence demonstrating a person’s competence in each unit standard for which they are seeking credit. This evidence can be gathered by observing normal day-to-day work, from the organisations’ records, team leader’s/manager’s verification, questionnaires completed, and verbal discussions.

Becoming an Assessor

To become a registered assessor, please download and complete this assessor application form and forward this to  for review.

Once your application has been successfully processed, we’ll send you login details to access ‘Te Pūkenga Assessor Induction’. Upon completion of this online module, we will send you assessor registration details and assessor scope.

Please read the Assessor responsibilities before submitting your assessor application You will also find further useful information in the Assessor Guidelines.

Assessment Appeals Process

If learners feel they have not been assessed fairly they can appeal the result of the assessment. For more information please contact our Moderation and Assessment team. We will process the appeal – you will need to complete the following steps:

Assessor responsibilities

  • Provide fair valid assessment of trainees that is consistent with the national standard. This is to be applied by following Best Practice in Assessment.
  • Ensure Health and Safety is maintained throughout the assessment process. If during the assessment you believe that anyone’s safety, plant or property is at risk, you MUST stop the assessment immediately.
  • Provide results of assessment to Te Pūkenga within two weeks of assessment (or per industry requirement).
  • Complete at least 3 assessments per year of registration.
  • Encourage and support the on-going learning of trainees.
  • Ensure that the current versions of assessment resources are used.
  • Ensure you assess to your allocated assessor scope.
  • Any personal information obtained from Te Pūkenga may only be collected, held, used and distributed in accordance with the Privacy Act1993. This includes protecting and safely storing any assessment resources.
  • Do not disclose any model answers and/or assessor guides of assessment to those that are not permitted to access them.
  • Take part in at least 2 on-going assessor forums, moderation activities, workshops or webinars as requested by Te Pūkenga during your registration as an assessor.
  • Keep completed assessment documents for at least 12 months for moderation purposes.
  • Tell Te Pūkenga when employment or contact details change, or you are no longer available to assess.
  • Not to take part in any assessment until your assessor registration is approved.
  • Declare any potential conflict of interest prior to assessment taking place